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Posted by Jon Erso on 08/21/2019 in Business Photos

Age Is No Longer A Barrier To Growing Veggies


As we age, some things become more difficult, including lifting and bending. For many, this means reducing or giving up on growing things in the garden. However, with raised bed kits UK based, you no longer need to choose between healthy knees and healthy homegrown veggies.

Investing in a raised garden bed allows you to continue gardening and to do so with much of the pressure taken away. Raised beds allow you to tend to your seeds and plants easily from a sitting or standing position; reducing the strain on knees, backs, and wrists. Many plastic raised garden bed kits are also on wheels, meaning that you can have the raised bed brought to you if you are having a particularly bad day with mobility. Raised beds also have several other features that make gardening that little bit easier.

Self-watering systems, overflow holes, good soil depths, and commercial grade canopies all help to reduce the work needed to grow your own vegetables. Raised bed kits UK wide take the strain out of gardening and reduce pests and damage to plants, all without taking away the enjoyment of growing your vegetables.

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Jon Erso

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