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Posted by The Sixsters on 04/08/2019

I'm Voting

Pavlo Gudimov, the song author, says: This song was written six months ago. It is about a new generation, which [so far] does not vote in elections, but makes its choice for our development and freedom.

=== Song "I'm Voting"

 - Music and lyrics: Pavlo Gudimov
 - Release: 2019
 - Genre: Rock
 - Directed by: Alex Kuziakin

The song lyrics translation

 All that I still see around, it's been a long time ago.
 It left a great trace.
 What to take in the future, nobody knows.
 But it will melt like ice...

 All priorities for me are not like those
 For which we fought gloriously, yeah.
 I'm sick of banal problems,
 Of politics, the media, and the abyss around.

 I'm voting for the note A,
 For the note B,
 For the note G!
 I'm voting for the warm rain
 And the wind of change in my soul!
 I'm voting!
 I'm voting!

 Half of us already are like zombies, how are we?
 Such large numbers are.
 What life will be real and what will you do?
 Why this world does not crack...

 Next we are all hitchhiking on holes and humps
 To forget so much, yeah.
 Let's get out, let's go to the sun in our heads,
 Because we should shine for so long!


 Where do our dreams live - far or not?
 But we will not ruin them.
 The time's come to give the hope for all of us -
 Whether we be or not.
 Fill the planet with laugh!


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The Sixsters

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